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team member

Associate Professor in Social Anthropology and Performance Studies, Department of Music, University of Ioannina

Aspasia (Sissie) Theodosiou is a social anthropologist and Associate Professor at the Department of Music Studies of the University of Ioannina. She obtained her MA and PhD from the Dept of Social Anthropology (University of Manchester). She was a member of MC of the international research network “Remaking eastern borders in Europe” and participated in the “Crosslocations” project of the University of Helsinki, as well as ιν numerous other international research projects, while she has also served as an evaluator in European projects. She is also a co-founder of the initiative dëcoloиıze hellάş

Her research experience includes long term fieldwork with Roma/Gypsy musicians in Epirus (Greek-Albanian border) and more recently with Mizrahi people and the policies and practices related to “Greek” music in Israel. Her research interests revolve around the anthropology of music, issues of nationalism and  sovereignty, borders and ethnic groups, cultural racism and the legacies of ethnic purity and white supremacy, as well as critical Romani studies; furthermore, she studies the politics of culture and affect around popular music, and issues related to artistic labour. Her current ethnographic projects focus on female music labour and  artistic labour in migratory contexts. Finally, she is currently co-writing an ethnography on Glykeria’s artistic career in Israel since the 1990s.

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