the team

principal investigator

Assistant Professor in the field of Sociology of Industrial Relations

Christina Karakioulafi is Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Crete. She has graduated from me Department of Social Policy and Social Anthropology (Panteion University) and completed her postgraduate and doctoral studies in France (CNAM, Université Paris 1). She also teaches at the Hellenic Open University and is a coordinator of the unit “CONTEMPORARY SOCIOLOGICAL APPROACHES IN EUROPEAN SOCIETIES” (EPO42). Her scientific publications concern: work precariousness, unemployment, sociology of professions (with emphasis on artistic professions), psychosocial risks in the workplace, theories of industrial relations and trade unionism). She is the author of the monographs The Art Workers. The profession of the actor in Greece in times of crisis (Papazisis, 2023), Workplace bullying in the public sector. The role of Trade Unions (Koinoniko Polykentro ADEDY, 2023), European social dialogue: institutions of representation and categories of interventions. Proposals for upgrading the role of the GSEVEE (IME-GSEVEE, 2020) and Industrial Relations : Theoretical approaches and empirical issues (Papazisis, 2012) and co-author of the monograph Unemployment and labour precarity. Dimensions and impacts in times of crisis (INE-GSEE, 2014). She has as co-edited (with M. Spyridakis) the collective volumes Labour and Society (Dionikos, 2010) and Unemployment, Society and Social Reproduction (Gutenberg; 2017). She is currently investigating the effects of the pandemic on labour relations and the collective action of artists, focusing on the profession of the actor. She is the Principal Investigator in the research program Labour Precarity and Social Cohesion: The Case of the Cultural & Creative Industries (LaPreSC) funded by HFRI (No. 16313) (Host Institution : University of Crete (KA-11454)].

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