Despite the steps taken, artistic education in the Performing Arts (Theatre, Dance, Music) within Higher/ Tertiary Education, is a field that remains unregulated in the country’s broader educational landscape. Comprehensive institutional intervention, which is a constant demand of artists, is repeatedly postponed and remains pending. This working paper, the idea for which came up after the event “Performing Arts Studies: Withdrawal of the 85/22 Presidential Order & the next day”, jointly-organised by ENA and ThinkBee on 20 February, emerged following discussions with academics, trade unionists and those involved in the field. The first part provides a brief account of the landscape of existing higher education departments in performing arts, the adverse consequences of the provisions of the 85/2022 Presidential Order for artists and the government’s pre-election promises. The second part formulates a comprehensive proposal for the two levels of performing arts education and the connection between them, while pointing out the need for similar elaborations in the film studies and the education of technical and backstage creative professions in the cultural sector, as a starting point for a dialogue on the progressive reform of this field.