International Federation of Actors/ Richard, C. (2024). Working Conditions of Circus Artists. FIA.

At its 21st Congress held in 2016 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, the International Federation of Actors adopted Motion 11 on Circus Artists. Through this motion, the Federation committed to conducting an international survey of its affiliates to collect data on the working conditions in the circus sector, with the aim of subsequently formulating recommendations to help its members ensure decent and fair working conditions for circus artists.The Federation launched its 51-question survey in summer 2019 and collected 27 responses from unions and professional associations around the world. FIA also drew on a number of relevant articles and books about circus to support the survey results, qualify them or, in some cases, provide additional information. The report presenting the results of the survey was finalized in 2023 and approved by the FIA Executive Committee in Istanbul.

FIA_circus_EN_2024_FINAL.pdf (

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