Artists are the driving force behind creativity, fostering a sense of belonging and economic values. The UNESCO 1980 Recommendation concerning the Status of the Artist has contributed to better responding to their specific needs. The fifth global consultation on the implementation of the Recommendation, conducted between July 2022 and January 2023, demonstrates the ongoing actions of UNESCO to protect the status of artists. The report, highlighting both positive trends and remaining challenges gathered through the consultation, features practices worldwide which testify to the enormous efforts made by Member States to support effective policies such as intellectual property laws, pension regulations and tax incentives, in line with the 1980 Recommendation. Yet, the findings also reveal the lack of comprehensive data, persisting censorship and attacks on artists, emphasizing the imperative necessity for more encompassing and ‘omnibus’ laws and enhanced enforcement of the existing legal frameworks. This publication calls for wider employment and social security access, broader reflection on the ambivalence of digital transformation, as well as improved opportunities for artists from all backgrounds.