
ILO (2021). Social Protection Spotlight. Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector.

ILO (2021). Social Protection Spotlight. Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector. The type of contractual arrangements and the organization of work prevalent in the cultural and creative sector may impact the coverage of their workers and the adequacy of the benefits they receive. Extending social security to CCS workers Issue Brief_12052021 …

ILO (2021). Social Protection Spotlight. Extending social protection to the cultural and creative sector. Read More »

Naylor, R., Moretto, M., & Traverso, R. (2021). Cultural and creative industries in the face of COVID-19: an economic impact outlook. UNESCO.

Naylor, R., Moretto, M., & Traverso, R. (2021). Cultural and creative industries in the face of COVID-19: an economic impact outlook. UNESCO. No corner of our planet has been left untouched by the COVID-19 crisis. The virus itself has cost many lives, and the lockdowns experienced by many countries have destroyed jobs and businesses. At …

Naylor, R., Moretto, M., & Traverso, R. (2021). Cultural and creative industries in the face of COVID-19: an economic impact outlook. UNESCO. Read More »

Valeria Pulignano, Markieta Domecka, Karol Muszyński, Lander Vermeerbergen, Me-Linh Riemann. (2021). Creative labour in the era of Covid-19. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute.

Valeria Pulignano, Markieta Domecka, Karol Muszyński, Lander Vermeerbergen, Me-Linh Riemann. (2021). Creative labour in the era of Covid-19. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute. This working paper identifies some key areas of policy intervention for advancing socially sustainable and fair solutions for freelancers working in the creative industries, who are among those have suffered …

Valeria Pulignano, Markieta Domecka, Karol Muszyński, Lander Vermeerbergen, Me-Linh Riemann. (2021). Creative labour in the era of Covid-19. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute. Read More »

Karakioulafis, C. (2021). Grèce. Pandémie de Covid-19 et mobilisation syndicale des professionnels du spectacle: l’initiative Support Art Workers. Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 175(3), 16-27.

Karakioulafis, C. (2021). Grèce. Pandémie de Covid-19 et mobilisation syndicale des professionnels du spectacle: l’initiative Support Art Workers. Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 175(3), 16-27. Bien que la nature précaire du travail culturel soit largement reconnue dans la littérature académique, elle est souvent restée invisible aux yeux des décideurs politiques et peu de mesures ont été …

Karakioulafis, C. (2021). Grèce. Pandémie de Covid-19 et mobilisation syndicale des professionnels du spectacle: l’initiative Support Art Workers. Chronique Internationale de l’IRES, 175(3), 16-27. Read More »

SMVE/ NGMU (2021). Greek Nationwide Survey of Northern Greece Musicians’ Union in the Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

SMVE/ NGMU (2021). Greek Nationwide Survey of Northern Greece Musicians’ Union in the Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic. The opening of concerts with 50% capacity utilisation is not the start of work for all musicians. The majority of the sector works in catering, hotels, music venues at trade fairs, etc., which will remain closed under …

SMVE/ NGMU (2021). Greek Nationwide Survey of Northern Greece Musicians’ Union in the Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic. Read More »

Crosby, M. (2021). Reflections on the Challenge of Organising Actors. FIA Document.

Crosby, M. (2021). Reflections on the Challenge of Organising Actors. FIA Document. In 2020, FIA and other Global Union Federations published a very good document about organising workers in the Media Arts and Entertainment Sector – “Trade Union Organising  in the Media Arts and Entertainment Sector.”In his essay, Michael Crosby offers reflexions based on his …

Crosby, M. (2021). Reflections on the Challenge of Organising Actors. FIA Document. Read More »

Laurent Vogel, Mehmet Koksal, Berta Chulvi, Jade Serrano, Fanny Kroener, Angelo Ferracuti, Christelle Casse, Bethany Staunton, Fabienne Scandella, Steven Ronsmans, Tony Musu. (2021). The real work of art. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute. 

Laurent Vogel, Mehmet Koksal, Berta Chulvi, Jade Serrano, Fanny Kroener, Angelo Ferracuti, Christelle Casse, Bethany Staunton, Fabienne Scandella, Steven Ronsmans, Tony Musu. (2021). The real work of art. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute.  This issue explores several aspects of art as work. As a collective work of many, often invisible labourers. As a …

Laurent Vogel, Mehmet Koksal, Berta Chulvi, Jade Serrano, Fanny Kroener, Angelo Ferracuti, Christelle Casse, Bethany Staunton, Fabienne Scandella, Steven Ronsmans, Tony Musu. (2021). The real work of art. In ETUI, The European Trade Union Institute.  Read More »

Dâmaso, M. (2021). Research for CULT Committee – The situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID cultural recovery in the European Union: Background Analysis.

Dâmaso, M. (2021). Research for CULT Committee – The situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID cultural recovery in the European Union: Background Analysis. This background analysis on the situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID-19 cultural recovery in the European Union is prepared for the European Parliament. It provides an overview of …

Dâmaso, M. (2021). Research for CULT Committee – The situation of artists and cultural workers and the post-COVID cultural recovery in the European Union: Background Analysis. Read More »

Iliopoulou E. & IME GSEVEE (2021). Roadmap for the adaptation of the profession “Professional in the audiovisual sector (audio and video management specialist).” Study by the Laboratory for Forecasting and Monitoring Occupational Changes. Athens: IME GSEBEE.

Iliopoulou E. & IME GSEVEE (2021). Roadmap for the adaptation of the profession “Professional in the audiovisual sector (audio and video management specialist).” Study by the Laboratory for Forecasting and Monitoring Occupational Changes. Athens: IME GSEBEE. This roadmap concerns the profession of ‘Audiovisual and Visual Management Specialist’ and summarises the main findings of the process …

Iliopoulou E. & IME GSEVEE (2021). Roadmap for the adaptation of the profession “Professional in the audiovisual sector (audio and video management specialist).” Study by the Laboratory for Forecasting and Monitoring Occupational Changes. Athens: IME GSEBEE. Read More »

Eurofound (2021). Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Live performance sector, Sectoral social dialogue series. Dublin.

Eurofound (2021). Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Live performance sector, Sectoral social dialogue series. Dublin. This study provides information allowing for an assessment of the representativeness of the actors involved in the European sectoral social dialogue committee for the live performance sector. Their relative representativeness legitimises their right to be consulted, their role …

Eurofound (2021). Representativeness of the European social partner organisations: Live performance sector, Sectoral social dialogue series. Dublin. Read More »

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