Johansson, Daniel. (2022). Streams & Dreams – A Fair Music Economy For All. International Artist Organisation

This report was commissioned by IAO and written by music industry researcher and analyst Daniel Johansson. The views expressed in the discussions are solely representative for the author. IAO is a nonprofit organisation based in Paris that was officially founded in 2015 by its founder-members: FAC (UK), GAM (France), CoArtis (Spain), GramArt (Norway) and FACIR (Belgium). Other members are Dansk Artist Forbund (Denmark), the Musicians Unions in Sweden and Finland (Musikerförbundet and Muusikkojen liitto) as well as CAFM (Croatia) and De Muzielgilde (Belgium). The purpose of the study is to investigate the prerequisites for a fair digital music economy, with the goal of including all sides of the music industry. Since IAO is the umbrella association for organisations representing the rights and interests of featured artists, the natural focus is on artists. The report presents the result from a 2022 survey conducted among 200 practitioning and professional artists and musicians in six countries in Europe, as well as summarises the existing research and knowledge regarding economic compensation, f.e. user-centric models vs pro rata models, collective management solutions, fan based donation schemes, and the unwaivable equitable remuneration (ER) scheme.