This project handbook is the result of a two-year, EU-funded project: Reaching out to Atypical Workers: Organising and representing workers with atypical contracts in the Live Performance and Audiovisual Sectors, which drew to a close at the end of October 2016. This project was made possible through the joint engagement and efforts of the International Federation of Actors (FIA), the International Federation of Musicians (FIM), UNI MEI (Global Union for the Media and Entertainment Sector) and the European Federation of Journalists (EFJ). The project aimed to create a space for the project partners and their members to engage with the challenges facing atypical workers in the Live Performance and Audiovisual sectors. Its objectives were to: λ gather and share experience on organising strategies of unions to reach out to atypical workers; λ develop advocacy work regarding more tailored social protection rights, improved working conditions, access to training and lifelong learning for atypical workers; λ reflect and develop fresh thinking regarding the urgent need to expand collective bargaining on behalf of atypical workers; λ share and exchange practice regarding service provision for atypical workers; λ explore the specific youth and gender dimensions of atypical work; λ address the issue of bogus self-employment